Group photo taken on the last day
Topic 1: Groundwater and its participatory management
Bhakti Devi from Neer Infinite provides hands on training to teach participants how to provide solutions to apartments, Bala Bangalore Apartments Federation (BAF) stated that BAF has over 4000 apartments that is participating in better water management and they also created the “half bucket challenge” to encourage citizens to save water during the summer, and Virupax from Smarter Homes spoke about their water metering systems that help communities save over 35% of their water.
Discussion- Some key points that came up during the Open House are:Ekalavya sharing his experiences
Topic 2: Local water resources in higher education 1. Mona Iyer, CEPT UniversityAnanth sharing his insights on local resources
Topic 3: Lakes/rivers/canals revival and community participationDiscussion- Some key points that came up during the Open House are:
Akshay and Lokesh talking about the Revival of the Irrigation Canals in Uttarakhand
Topic 4: Protecting and rejuvenating local water bodies: battling vested interests and citizen-governance engagementDiscussion- Some key points that came up during the Open House are:
Avinash starting the site visits by introducing Devanahalli Town
The site visits were followed by a discussion on the site visits and ended with a discussion on how to move forward with the workshop. Dr. Himanshu Kulkarni listed his 6 major learning from the workshop, it is shown below on the right side of the image.Concluding thoughts on the workshop
Overall, the workshop was a great place for people from different backgrounds to interact and share their knowledge and experience. For me personally it was an enriching learning experience, and I look forward to more such workshops.The need for an Urban Waters Forum
Supported by Wipro Foundation in their quest to be more responsible corporate citizens, and to address the challenges of collective stewardship of our common urban water resources, especially our groundwater aquifers and local lakes, Biome had put together, with the most important and actionable resources of our ongoing learnings. This website was intended to serve as a community resource for all to learn from and share. This has now expanded to become, a webspace that has evolved into an ongoing comprehensive knowledge base for the urban waterscape. The webspace seeks to inform, guide, and provide any and all resources to all of us to make us water literate, solve our individual or community water problems and act responsibly by taking care of our common urban water resources. It seeks to help make us a part of the solution rather than being a part of the problem. With Wipro’s support, Biome organised the first Urban Waters Forum workshop in March 2019. The success of this meeting prompted the thought of a regular annual event, which couldn’t be organised in the following three years because of the pandemic. At this year’s meeting, the idea of the forum was discussed again. During the concluding session of this year’s workshop, Dr Himanshu Kulkarni put forth pertinent questions to the team and brainstormed ideas around what role this Forum will play, what/how each can contribute to its richness, and how this can feed into the institutional and governance space. It is envisioned that the Urban Waters Forum will be a space for the shared interests of various individuals and organizations working in the water sector, to leverage their combined strengths of citizen engagement, hydrogeology expertise, and participation-oriented digital tools, with the intent of trying to understand how to manage the urban water resources collectively. This Forum hopes to bring together the knowledge, experience, and practice of many individuals, communities, practitioners, citizen activists, and researchers.